dimanche 16 décembre 2012
samedi 15 décembre 2012
How to say, I have ... (J'ai ...)
I have a book = J'ai un livre.
I have a brother = J'ai un frère.
You have a beautiful cat = Tu as un joli chat or Vous avez un joli chat.
He has a big dog = Il a un gros chien.
We have a small house = Nous avons une petite maison.
You say, tu (you) to a friend.
For someone older (parents, teacher, someone you show respect) or if there are many people, you say, vous.
How to tally
Let's find out the favourite activity of the students in our classroom.
We make a table with a column for each activity. Then we tally the results in the columns. Finally, we represent the results in a Bar-Chart (Diagramme à colonnes)
Parents: Can you help your child do another survey fo find out the favourite food in your family (ask dad, mom, sisters, brothers, grandpa, grandma, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.) and represent the results in a chart?
dimanche 9 décembre 2012
Adjectives - How to pronounce them
Masculin (male) |
Feminine (female) |
grand |
grande |
big |
petit |
petite |
small |
fort |
forte |
strong |
faible |
faible |
weak |
gros |
grosse |
fat |
maigre |
maigre |
slim |
jeune |
jeune |
young |
vieux |
vieille |
old |
bon |
bonne |
good |
mauvais |
mauvaise |
bad |
gentil |
gentille |
nice (human) |
méchant |
méchante |
mean |
beau |
belle |
handsome (beautiful) |
joli |
jolie |
pretty |
vilain |
vilaine |
ugly |
laid |
laide |
ugly |
amusant |
amusante |
fun |
intéressant |
intéressante |
interesting |
ennuyant |
ennuyante |
boring |
content |
contente |
happy |
heureux |
heureuse |
happy |
fâché |
fâchée |
upset |
malheureux |
malheureuse |
unhappy |
triste |
triste |
sad |
excité |
excitée |
excited |
excitant |
excitante |
exciting |
chaud |
chaude |
hot |
froid |
froide |
cold |
rapide |
rapide |
fast |
lent |
lente |
slow |
épais |
épaisse |
thick |
mince |
mince |
thin |
riche |
riche |
rich |
pauvre |
pauvre |
poor |
fatigant |
fatigante |
tiresome |
mignon |
mignonne |
cute |
Systèmes de vie (Life systems)
Est-ce que les animaux et les plantes sont importantS? Pourquoi?
Are animals and plants important? Why?
Animals, plants, human beings and the environment are all connected to one another. One affects the other.
If there are no animals, we may not have food (e.g., meat, milk, cheese, eggs,... )
If there are no plants, we may not have food and air (e.g., vegetables, fruits, grains, honey, ...)
Plants produces oxygen, which living things need to breathe.
Animals need other animals, insects and plants to survive.
Il faut prendre soin de animaux, de plantes et l'environnement.
So we need to take care of animals, plants and environment.
How can we do that?
By treating and feeding animals well.
By growing our own vegetables.
By not wasting food and water.
By recycling and composting so that we can minimize waste.
Can you make some more suggestions?
vendredi 7 décembre 2012
Les adjectifs (The adjectives)
Adjectives are very important. In French, the adjectives often change slightly for female subject. Most of the time, an "e" is simply added to it.
Masculin (male) |
Feminine (female) |
big |
grand |
grande |
small |
petit |
petite |
strong |
fort |
forte |
weak |
faible |
faible |
fat |
gros |
grosse |
slim |
maigre |
maigre |
young |
jeune |
jeune |
old |
vieux |
vieille |
good |
bon |
bonne |
bad |
mauvais |
mauvaise |
nice (human) |
gentil |
gentille |
mean |
méchant |
méchante |
handsome (beautiful) |
beau |
belle |
pretty |
joli |
jolie |
ugly |
vilain |
vilaine |
ugly |
laid |
laide |
fun |
amusant |
amusante |
interesting |
intéressant |
intéressante |
boring |
ennuyant |
ennuyante |
happy |
content |
contente |
happy |
heureux |
heureuse |
upset |
fâché |
fâchée |
unhappy |
malheureux |
malheureuse |
sad |
triste |
triste |
excited |
excité |
excitée |
exciting |
excitant |
excitante |
hot |
chaud |
chaude |
cold |
froid |
froide |
fast |
rapide |
rapide |
slow |
lent |
lente |
thick |
épais |
épaisse |
thin |
mince |
mince |
rich |
riche |
riche |
poor |
pauvre |
pauvre |
tiresome |
fatigant |
fatigante |
cute |
mignon |
mignonne |
Can you use them to ask questions or to give answers?
Try saying:
Are you nice?
Es-tu gentil? (if a male)
Es-tu gentille? (if a female)
Oui, je suis gentil (if a male) or gentille (if a female).
Are you sad?
Es-tu triste?
Oui, je suis triste. (Yes, I am sad)
Non, je ne suis pas triste. (No, I am not sad)
If you are a parent, ask your child to formulate more questions and giving answers using adjectives.
samedi 1 décembre 2012
Je suis, tu es ... (I am, you are ... )
Je suis I am
Tu es You are
Il est He is
Elle est She is
Je suis Ante. I am Ante.
Tu es Simar. You are Simar.
Il est Jerome. He is Jerome.
Elle est Kashyla. She is Kashyla.
Practice saying those words. You can use your name or other names.
mercredi 28 novembre 2012
Practice saying, J'aime (I like, love)
J'aime ..... I like or love ....
J'aime l'école I like school
J'aime ma maman I love my mom
J'aime mon papa I love my dad
J'aime danser I like to dance
J'aime chanter I like to sing
J'aime dormir I like to sleep
J'aime jouer au soccer I like to play soccer
J'aime Kampa I like or love Kampa
J'aime mon chien I like or love my dog
Can you make more sentences?
samedi 24 novembre 2012
Timeline (Ligne de temps)
What is a timeline?
A timeline is just a way to display events based on time.
Here's a simple one - The timeline of important events in the life of a child.
Can you help your child do a timeline for himself or herself?
Instead of writing the events, your child can draw or put photos on it.
Jouer - To Play
Un jeu A game
jouer to play
J`aime jouer au soccer. I like to play soccer
J`aime jouer au hockey. I like to play hockey
J`aime jouer avec David. I like to play with David
J`aime jouer avec mon frère. I like to play with my brother
C`est mon tour. It`s my turn.
C`est ton tour. It`s your turn.
J`ai gagné! I won!
J`ai perdu. I lost.
Play a game and practice saying those words.
Write them down several times to remember them.
mardi 20 novembre 2012
Les animaux (Partie 2) - Animals (Part 2)
We learned about domestic and farm animals the other time.
Today we are going to learn about wild animals.
Les animaux sauvages (Wild animals)
L'aigle (the eagle)
Le crocodile (the crocodile)
Un éléphant (an elephant)
La girafe (the giraffe)
Le guépard (cheetah)
L'hippopotame (the hippopotamus)
Le kangourou (the kangaroo)
Le koala (the koala bear)
Le leopard (the leopard)
Le lion (the lion)
Le loup (the wolf)
L'ours (the bear)
Le panthère (the panther)
Le puma (the puma)
Le rhinocéros (the rhinoceros)
Un singe (a monkey)
Le tigre (the tiger)
Le serpent (the snake)
Le gorille (the gorilla)
Un cerf (a stag)
La moufette (the skunk)
Une grenouille (a frog)
Une tortue (a tortoise)
vendredi 16 novembre 2012
Student-led Parents-Teacher Interview
You now have an idea what he or she has learned in school and what he or she may have to work on to improve. I know it is not easy to help your child when you do not know French. Nevertheless, by showing interest in his or her daily work and by using the classroom website to monitor his or her understanding, the child will learn faster. Encourage him or her to try the interactive activities on the links and to practice writing properly. I cannot stress enough the saying - Practice makes Perfect!.
Thank you again for your support.
M. Wong