Les devoirs (Homeworks)

I love homeworks


Wednesday, June 5

Find the missing numbers

 2  +  3  =   4  +  ____

4  +  5  =   3  +  ____

5  +  2  =   9  -  ____

1  +  4  =   8  -  ____

6  -  2  =   2  +  ____

10  -  3  =  7  -  ____

 8  -  2  =  6  +  ____

7  -  3  =  ____  +  ____

2  +  5  =  ____  -  ____


Monday, May 27

Name and draw 5 community helpers and the tools they use.

Tuesday, May 28

Draw and write in French what you would like to become when you grow up and why.

Wednesday, May 29

Draw all the coins with their values (e.g. 25 c) and find which ones you need to buy:

A pencil, which costs 7 c.

A candy, which costs 18 c.

Thursday, May30

Draw a card for your dad and wish him a happy Father's Day in French.

Friday, May 31

Tell your mom or dad what time it is in French and what time it would be after 2 hours later.


Remember to pay it forward. Do something nice to someone and ask the person to do something nice to 3 other persons in return and the other persons should do the same.



Tuesday, May 21

If there are 3 apples and 6 oranges in a box, how likely (what is the probability) you will pull out an apple from the box?  

How likely (what is the probability) you will pull out an orange from the box? 

Choose an answer:  likely, unlikely, certain, impossible 

Wednesday, May 22

Write about your family in French.

Thursday, May 23

Group A:  Write 1 sentence with a preposition (e.g. sur, sous, devant)

Group B:  Write 2 sentences with prepositions

Group C:  Write 3 sentence with prepositions

Friday, May 24

Conjugate verb parler (to speak) using the rule for verb ending with er


Draw a plan of your of your house. Indicate in French where the kitchen (cuisine), living room (salon), bathroom (salle de bain) and the rooms (chambres) are. You can indicate the doors and windows in your plan.


Monday, April 29


Click here for the list of Classroom words.

Tuesday, April 30

 Wednesday, May 1

 Thursday, May 2

 Friday, May 3





Group B has to learn group A words too. 


April 22  (Monday)



April 23  (Tuesday)



April 24  (Wednesday)

Practice dictée.


April 25  (Thursday)


April 26  (Friday)

April 27  (Saturday)



Group B students have to learn Group A words too.

April 8   (Monday)

April 9   (Tuesday)


April 10   (Wednesday)


April 11   (Thursday)


April 12   (Friday)



March 25   (Monday)

Read a French book aloud to your parents.

Practice dictée.

March 26   (Tuesday)

Read a book and retell the story to your parents, remembering the 5 questions and explain any inferences you made.

Practice dictée.


March 27   (Wednesday)

Compare the weight of 3 objects at home and say which is the heaviest and the lightest.

Practice dictée.


March 28   (Thursday)

Finish the Spring drawing at home.



March 29   (Friday)

Complete the math worksheet and bring it in next Tuesday.

March 30   (Saturday) 

Read 3 French books during the weekend and Easter holidays.



Download the dictée sheet.

Listen to the dictée.

Group A & B

Group B

March 18   (Monday)

Quelle heure est-il?    What time is it? 

The students will tell the time at 5 minutes interval.

Click here to download the worksheet. 

Practice dictée.

March 19   (Tuesday)

Ask someone in your family the following questions in French and write them down:

1.  Who are you?

2.   Who is your cousin?

3.  Who is this girl? 

Click here to download the worksheet.

March 20   (Wednesday)

Measure 2 objects at home using the hands or paper clips.

Mention the length (longueur), the width (largeur) of the objects and what measuring unit (unité) was used. 

Click here to download the worksheet.

March 21   (Thursday)

Discuss with your family how to conserve energy at home and decide on 2 ways to do it. Write or make a drawing to show those 2 ways.


March 22   (Friday)

Write or draw how many coins you need to make:

25 cents  (25 sous)

78 cents  (78 sous)

$ 1.65      (1.65 $)

You can give as many answers as you want.

March 23   (Saturday) 

Read a French book to a member of your family or a friend and explain to them what is it about.

March Break

Ask your child to read 3 French books everyday and to tell you about them.  Ask them, what is it about? Who are they talking about? When, where and why did it happen? Better, ask them to teach you to read the French books. They love to play the teacher.

Go to the Book Reading section (La lecture) to read the books.

Thursday, 7 March

Quelle heure est-il? What time is it? 

Click here and here to download the worksheets. 



Click here to download the homework and the dictée for the month of February.


Thursday, 31 January

Make up 5 subtraction questions using numbers up to 10 and answer them.

Study for dictée! Write the sentences 10 times.

Wednesday, 30 January

Draw three things at home that have a different texture.


Tuesday, 29 January

Fold a piece of paper and make small cuts, then unfold to make a winter snowflake.

Study for dictée! Write the sentences 10 times.

Monday, 28 January

Draw a picture of a community helper and write a sentence of how they help.

Study for dictée! Write the sentences 10 times.



D'abord, je suis allé (e) chez moi. (First, I went home) 

Puis, j'ai fait mon devoir. (Then, I did my homework)

Ensuite, j'ai joué avec mes amis. (Afterwards, I played with my friends)

Finalement, j'ai aidé ma maman. (Finally, I helped my mother)

Your child can choose to do all the sentences on Wednesday, or two on Wednesday and the other two on Friday.


Sunday, 27 January

Write a sentence about what you did on the weekend.

Saturday, 26 January

Choose a book at home to read with your family.

Friday, 25 January

Choose a book at home to read with your family.


Thursday, 24 January

Draw a picture of a community helper doing his/her job.

Study for dictée! Write the sentences 10 times.

Wednesday, 23 January

Draw a picture of something at home that is absorbent.


Tuesday, 22 January

Ask your family to practice subtracting numbers using your number line.

Study for dictée! Write the sentences 10 times.

Monday, 21 January

Make up 5 addition questions using numbers up to 10 and answer them.

Study for dictée! Write the sentences 10 times.



Qui es-tu?. (Who are you?) 

Je suis ton voisin. (I am your neighbour)

Your child can choose to do both sentences on Wednesday, or one on Wednesday and the other one on Friday.


Sunday, 20 January

Write a sentence about what you did on the weekend.

Saturday, 19 January

Choose a book at home to read with your family.

Friday, 18 January

Draw a picture of two community helpers and label them.


Thursday, 17 January

Make a pattern on your 100’s chart.

Study for dictée! Write the sentences 10 times.

Wednesday, 16 January

Make a number line up to 10. Ask your family to practice adding numbers using your number line.


Tuesday, 15 January

Draw an animal from each of the habitats you have learned about.

Study for dictée! Write the sentences 10 times.

Monday, 14 January

Count backwards by 2’s and 5’s from 20

Study for dictée! Write the sentences 10 times.

 J'aime mon père et ma mère. (I love my father and my mother) 

Je suis allé à la piscine pendant le weekend. (I went to the swimming pool during the weekend)


Your child can choose to do both sentences on Wednesday, or one on Wednesday and the other one on Friday.

Sunday, 13 January

Write a sentence about what you did on the weekend.

Saturday, 12 January

Choose a book at home to read with your family.

Friday, 11 January

Make a 100’s chart at home.


Thursday, 10 January

Count by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s to 100.

Study for dictée!

Wednesday, 9 January

Count to 50 in French. 


Tuesday, 8 January

Find 5 objects at home that look like a cube, cylinder, or sphere and draw them.

Study for dictée!

Monday, 7 January

Draw a picture of something you did during the holidays.

Study for dictée!

Hier, j'ai mangé une banane. (Yesterday, I ate a banana) 

Aujourd'hui, je vais à l'école. (Today I go to school)


Your child can choose to do both sentences on Wednesday, or one on Wednesday and the other one on Friday. 




Sunday, 23 December

Tell your parents in French, “I am happy”.

Saturday, 22 December

Tell your parents everyday in French during the holidays “I love you a lot”.

Friday, 21 December

Write down what you would like to do during the coming holidays.

Thursday, 20 December

Count 1 to 100 backward

Wednesday, 19 December 

Check the spelling of 2 words in a dictionary (French or English)

Tuesday, 18 December

Write the names of 5 objects at home in French.

Monday, 17 December

Teach your parents the 4th habit of Leaders in Me.

Dictée today


Sunday, 16 December

Write the dictée words without looking and see the mistakes you made.

Saturday, 15 December

Practice for dictée. Write the dictée words 10 times each. 

Dictée words:  Bonjour, c`est moi. Mon père pense que  je suis fort (e).


Friday, 14 December

Tally the most popular colours at home.

Thursday, 13 December

Express your likes or dislikes about a story you know in French. 

Wednesday, 12 December 

Draw an object at home and shade it with your pencil  (not coloured).

Tuesday, 11 December

Tell 2 persons at home something about yourself,  “Je suis …”

Monday, 10 December

Build a 3D object with the paper template and bring to school.
Dictée today!


Sunday, 9 December

Write the dictée words without looking and see the mistakes you made.

Saturday, 8 December

Practice for dictée. Write the dictée words 10 times each. 

Dictée words:  Tu es gentil, il est bon, elle est jolie. merci.



Friday, 7 December

Do you know of a rule that has changed at home and why?

Thursday, 6 December

Tell someone at home what you saw in Westwood mall today (in French).
"J'ai vu ....."

Wednesday, 5 December 

Write 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 in alphabets.


Tuesday, 4 December

Draw an animal that lives in the desert.

Monday, 3 December

Write December in French 5 times - décembre


Friday, 30 November

Return this paper to school. How many days did you do your homework? Count the stars!
Dictée today!

Thursday, 29 November

Write down 1 sentence about your favorite activity at school.
Practice for dictée.


Wednesday, 28 November 

Count by 10’s to 100.

Practice for dictée


Tuesday, 27 November 

Say 1 French sentence at home.

Practice for dictée

Monday, 26 November

Find something at home that looks like a 3D shape!

Practice for dictée. Below is the list of words to learn for Friday.

However, it can be split into smaller chunks, so it becomes easier to learn. You can choose to learn 2-3 words per day and do the dictée for only those words. You can also choose to do all or more than 2-3 if you feel ready. It`s your choice. 


le, la            (the)                   for Tuesday         (2 points)

un, une       (a)                      for Wednesday   (2 points)

Je                (I)                       for Thursday      (1 point)
J`ai             (I have)              for Thursday      (2 points)

Je suis       (I have)              for Friday           (2 points)
et                 (and)                  for Friday           (1 point)


Total points for dictée:   10


Sunday, 25 November

Play a game with your family. If you win, shout ‘ J'ai gagné’


Saturday, 24 November

Have a family member help you make a timeline about important events in your life

Friday, 23 November

Print 10 words that you know how to spell!

Dictée 2!


Thursday, 22 November

Practice ‘je mange’ at home.

Practice for dictée 2 (It's the same as last week).

Je suis                 (I am)

grand                   (big)           If you are a girl, write   grande

petit                     (small)       If you are a girl, write    petite



Wednesday, 21 November 

Teach someone at home odd and even numbers to 20. 


Tuesday, 20 November 

Count by 5’s to 100

Dictée 1 today!


Monday, 19 November

Draw a picture of things you wear when it is cold outside!

Practice for dictée 1 (It's the same as last week).

C'est                     (It is)

la maison           (the house)

une école           (a school)


Sunday, 18 November

Make a list of all the birthdays in your family.

Saturday, 17 November

Make a list of animals that live at the zoo.

Friday, 16 November

Teach someone the names of three animals in French.

Thursday, 15 November

Practice saying - J’aime at home.

Dictée today!   


Wednesday, 14 November 

Draw a picture of your friends. 

Practice for Thursday dictée.  

Je suis                 (I am)

grand                   (big)           If you are a girl, write   grande

petit                     (small)       If you are a girl, write    petite


Tuesday, 13 November 

Teach someone at home the secondary colours.

Dictée today! 

Monday, 12 November

Teach someone at home some of the colours in French!

Practice for  Wednesday dictée.

C'est                     (It is)

la maison           (the house)

une école           (a school)


Sunday, 11 November

Remenbrance Day

Draw a poppy!

Saturday, 10 November

What is your favorite book?
Write one sentence about why it is your favorite!

Friday, 9 November

Count by 2's. Can you count to 20 bt 2's?

Practice for dictée. 

J'ai                   (I have)

un livre          (a book)

un ami          (a friend)           Write amie if your friend is a girl.

Thursday, 8 November

Make a list of things we wear when it is raining outside.

Practice for dictée. 

Je suis                 (I am)

grand                   (big)           If you are a girl, write   grande

petit                     (small)       If you are a girl, write    petite


Wednesday, 7 November

Write a sentence about today's weather.

Practice for dictée. 

C'est                     (It is)

la maison           (the house)

une école           (a school)


Tuesday, 6 November

Make a list of five of your favourite animals. Bring the list to school!

Practice for dictée. 

J'aime          (I love or like)

papa              (dad)

maman         (mom)

Monday, 5 November

Practice saying soeur and frère at home.

Practice for dictée for tomorrow.

Each day practice writing 3 words and the next day, we will do the dictée. It's easier to learn a few words each day than trying to do a lot of words at the end of a week.

novembre       (november)

bonjour           (good morning)

un bonbon           (a candy)

Sunday, 4 November

Sing the French alphabet. Teach your parents what sound each letter makes.

Saturday, 3 November

Draw four 2D shapes. Can you remember their names in French?

Friday, 2 November

Count as far as you can in French. I can count to ______.

Dictée today!

Thursday, 1 November

Print today's date in French.

Practice for dictée.

Wednesday, 31 October

Practice for dictée.

The words they are to learn are the days of the week:


Tuesday, 30 October

Draw what fall looks like.

Monday, 29 October

Draw what summer looks like.

Saturday, 27 October

Practice saying the “ch” sound.

Friday, 26 October


How many words have the sounds “ch” in the poem Poustoche?

Thursday, 25 October


Draw three things that are noir (black) and colour in the poem.  

Wednesday, 24 October

Practice for dictée.

The dictée will be the same as last week.

Je suis un garçon.

Tu es une fille.

J`ai cinq ans.


Tuesday, 23 October

Practice writing number words 6 to 10

6      six

7      sept

8      huit

9      neuf

10    dix

Monday, 22 October

Practice writing number words 1 to 5

1      un

2      deux

3      trois

4      quatre

5      cinq 

Friday, 19 October

How many letters are in the word poussin from the poem Le lutin? 

Thursday, 18 October

Draw three things that are brun (brown) and colour in the poem.

Wednesday, 18 October


Practice for dictée

Learn to write the words and sentences below. 

Je suis un garçon.

Tu es une fille.

J`ai cinq ans.

What it means
 Je suis un garçon   I am a boy
Tu es une fille    You are a girl 
J`ai cinq ans      I am five years old. 

Tuesday, 17 October

Think of a rule that you have at home.

Monday, 16 October

Find things in your house that are big, medium, and small

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