samedi 23 mars 2013

L'energie (Energy)

Pour travailler, il faut de l'énergie. Il y a beaucoup de formes d'énergie.

To do work, energy is needed.  There are many forms of energy. 

Par exemple, il y a l'énergie mécanique. Quand on essaie de faire ou de bouger quelque chose, on utilise de l'énergie mécanique ou musculaire. Quand on est fatigué, on n'a peut-être pas assez d'énergie pour frapper un ballon.


For example, there is mechanical energy. When we try to do or move something, we use mechanical or muscle energy. When we are tired, we may not have enough energy to kick a ball strongly.



Il y a l'énergie electrique. À la maison, il y a beaucoup de choses qui travaillent avec l'énergie electrique, par example, la télévision, l'ordinateur, la lumière et les jeux vidéos. S'ils ne sont pas branchés dans une prise electrique, ils ne marchent pas.


There is electrical energy. At home, there are a lot of things that work with electrical energy, for example, the TV, the computer, the light and the video games. If they are not plugged in an electrical outlet, they do not work.



Il y a l'énergie chimique. Une voiture roule parcequ'elle utilise de l'essence. L'essence contient de l'énergie chimique. Quand le réservoir d'essence est vide, la voiture s'arrête.


There is chemical energy. A car moves because of the gasoline it uses. The gasoline contains chemical energy. When the gas tank is empty, it stops.



Il y a l'énergie thermique. Quand on allume une bougie ou cuit la nourriture, on sent la chaleur. Elle peut nous brûler si on ne fait pas attention.


There is heat energy. When we light a candle or cook food, we feel the heat. It can burn us if we are not careful.



Vous avez peut-être entendu parler de l'énergie solaire. Elle donne de la chaleur et de la lumière. Sans cette énergie, la terre sera froide et sombre et nous ne pourrons pas survivre.


We may have heard of solar energy. This energy comes from the sun in form of heat and light. Without solar energy, our earth will be cold and dark and we will not be able to live. 



Il y a l'énergie éolienne. Quand il y a une tempête, on peut sentir la puissance de vent. Le vent peut faire envoler les objets.


We may also have heard of wind energy. When there is a storm, we can feel the power of the wind strongly. The wind can blow things away.



These are some of the types of energy we may be familiar with. 

Talk to your child about those forms of energy and see if they can find more examples of those forms of energy at home or elsewhere. 

jeudi 21 mars 2013

Compter les pièces de monnaie (Counting coins)


The students need to familiarize themselves with the different coins, understand their value and how they are interrelated.

10 cents  =  10 x 1 cent  =  2 x 5 cents   or  1 x 5 cents plus 5 x 1 cent.


If a candy costs 30 cents, what coins are they going to hand out to pay the exact amount?

30 coins of 1 cent?

3 coins of 10 cents?

6 coins of 5 cents?

Or a combination of 10 cents, 5 cents and 1 cent?

Encourage your child to practice counting with the coins in French or English. Take him or her shopping with you.

Les chansons pour l'assemblée (Assembly Songs)

Grade 1 French Immersion students will be hosting the assembly on Thursday March 29, unless changed.

They will be singing 2 songs. One of them is called 7 Habits Style, a version of Gangnam Style. They should wear sunglasses for that song.

We hope you would be able to attend and enjoy the assembly.

jeudi 7 mars 2013

Song practice for the assembly

The French Immersion Grade 1 students will be presenting a song in the assembly on Thursday, March 28, 2013.

They need to practice singing the song before the assembly. Click here to practice the song.

mardi 5 mars 2013

L'heure (Time)

Quelle heure est-il?

What time is it?


Il est 2 heures.

It is 2 o'clock.



Il est 5 heures.

It is 5 o'oclock.



Il est 9 heures.

It's 9 o'clock.



Il est 3 heures 30.

It is half past three.



Il est 9 heures 30.

It's half past nine.


If it is in the morning, we may add -  du matin

If it is in the afternoon, we may add - de l'après-midi


Il est 2 heures du matin.

It is 2 o'clock in the morning.


Il est 2 heures de l'après-midi.

It is 2 o'clock in the afternoon.



Il est midi.

It is noon.


Il est minuit.

It is midnight. 


dimanche 3 mars 2013


2 + 4 = ?

Deux plus quatre égal combien

Two plus four equal how much


| |  +  | | | | | | | | | |

2    +     4   =       6    



7  +  5  =  ?

Sept plus cinq égal combien

Seven plus five equal how much


  | | | | | | |  +  | | | | |  | | | | | | | | | |    | |

7     +     5      =        12     


David a 3 crayons. Jérome lui donne 2 crayons. Combien de crayons a David?

David has 3 pencils. Jérome gives him 2 pencils. How many pencils does David have?

Réponse  (Answer)

+   2  =   ?

   | | |   +  | |  =   | | | | |

3   +   2  =   5

David a 5 crayons.

David has 5 pencils.



Pratiquer  (Practice)


  4  +  3  =  _______          5  +  4  =  _______         3  +  7  =  ______

  6  +  4  =  _______         8  +  5  =  ________       7  +  9  =  _______


Christopher a 2 bonbons. Tajae lui donne 5 bonbons. Combien de bonsbons a Christopher maintenant?

Christopher has 2 candies. Tajae gives him 5 candies. How many candies does Christopher have now?



Ayana a lu 4 livres hier. Puis, elle a lu 7 livres aujourd'hui. Combien de livres a lu Ayana?

Ayana has read 4 books yesterday. Then, she reads 7 books today. How many books has Ayana read?