mercredi 28 novembre 2012

Practice saying, J'aime (I like, love)

J'aime .....                          I like or love ....

J'aime l'école                     I like school

J'aime ma maman             I love my mom

J'aime mon papa               I love my dad

J'aime danser                     I like to dance

J'aime chanter                   I like to sing

J'aime dormir                     I like to sleep

J'aime jouer au soccer       I like to play soccer

J'aime Kampa                         I like or love Kampa

J'aime mon chien               I like or love my dog


Can you make more sentences?

samedi 24 novembre 2012

Timeline (Ligne de temps)

What is a timeline?

A timeline is just a way to display events based on time. 

Here's a simple one - The timeline of important events in the life of a child.

Can you help your child do a timeline for himself or herself? 

Instead of writing the events, your child can draw or put photos on it.

Jouer - To Play


Un jeu                                                                       A game

jouer                                                                            to play

 J`aime jouer au soccer.                             I like to play soccer

J`aime jouer au hockey.                           I like to play hockey

 J`aime jouer avec David.                     I like to play with David

J`aime jouer avec mon frère.     I like to play with my brother

C`est mon tour.                          It`s my turn.

C`est ton tour.                          It`s your turn.

J`ai gagné!                                            I won!

J`ai perdu.                                               I lost.



Play a game and practice saying those words.

Write them down several times to remember them.

mardi 20 novembre 2012

Les animaux (Partie 2) - Animals (Part 2)


We learned about domestic and farm animals the other time.

Today we are going to learn about wild animals.

Les animaux sauvages  (Wild animals)

L'aigle                            (the eagle)

Le crocodile                 (the crocodile)

Un éléphant                  (an elephant)

La girafe                        (the giraffe)

Le guépard                   (cheetah)

L'hippopotame            (the hippopotamus)

Le kangourou              (the kangaroo)

Le koala                        (the koala bear)

Le leopard                    (the leopard)

Le lion                           (the lion)

Le loup                         (the wolf)

L'ours                          (the bear)

Le panthère                (the panther)

Le puma                    (the puma)

Le rhinocéros           (the rhinoceros)

Un singe                    (a monkey)

Le tigre                      (the tiger)

Le serpent                (the snake)

Le gorille                  (the gorilla)

Un cerf                      (a stag)

La moufette             (the skunk)

Une grenouille         (a frog)

Une tortue                (a tortoise) 


vendredi 16 novembre 2012

Student-led Parents-Teacher Interview

I am very pleased to be able to meet all of you. Thank you for taking the time to come to the interview. It shows how much you support your child in his or her learning.

You now have an idea what he or she has learned in school and what he or she may have to work on to improve. I know it is not easy to help your child when you do not know French. Nevertheless, by showing interest in his or her daily work and by using the classroom website to monitor his or her understanding, the child will learn faster. Encourage him or her to try the interactive activities on the links and to practice writing properly. I cannot stress enough the saying - Practice makes Perfect!.
Thank you again for your support.

M. Wong

mercredi 14 novembre 2012

1 - 100

After 20, it becomes very easy to count. You will notice, it follows the same pattern.

20     vingt                  (twenty)
21     vingt et un        (twenty and one)
22     vingt-deux        (twenty two)
23     vingt-trois        (twenty three)

Can you guess what comes next?

24     vingt-quatre    (twenty four) 
25     vingt-cinq        (twenty five)

Notice vingt et un, there is no hyphen between the numbers vingt and un
But after that, there is always a hyphen up to 30.

30      trente              (thirty)
31      trente et un    (thirty one)
32      trente-deux    (thirty two)
33      trente-trois    (thirty three)

I'm sure, you can do 34 to 39.

40      quarante                (forty)
50      cinquante               (fifty)
60      soixante                 (sixty)
70      soixante-dix           (seventy)
80      quatre-vingts         (eighty)
90      quatre-vingt-dix    (ninety)
100    cent                        (hundred)

Can you say 41, 42, 43 ... 

Be careful:

From 70 to 99, you start using 11, 12, 13 ... instead of 1, 2, 3 ...
71 is soixante et onze    (60 and 11
72 is soixante-douze      (60 - 12)
73 is soixante-treize      (60 - 13)

If you can remember that, you can count up to 100.



For more information, click here

samedi 10 novembre 2012

Les règles de la classe (Class rules)

Je respecte le professeur et les élèves

I respect the teacher and the students

Levez la main avant de parler

Raise your hand before speaking

J'écoute attentivement

I listen attentively

Je travaille tranquillement 

I work quietly

Je travaille en coorpération

I work together with others

Ne touche pas!

Do not touch!


Règles dans la communauté (Rules in the community)

Dans chaque société il y a des règles

In every society there are rules

Savez-vous pourquoi?

Do you know why? 

Les règles aident la communauté d'être en sécurité et à bien fonctionner. 

The rules help the community to be safe and to function well.

Sans les règles, il y aura beaucoup de problèmes.

Without rules, there will be a lot of problems. 

Chacun peut faire ce qu'il veut et blesser les autres.

Every one can do what they want and hurt others in doing so.

Nous avons des règles à la maison, comme les enfants doivent se coucher après une certaine heure.

We have rules at home, like children have to go to bed after a certain time.

À l'école nous avons des règles, comme les élèves ne doivent pas courir dans le corridor. 

In school we have rules, like students must not run in the hallway.

On appelle les règles de la province, lois. Par exemple, on ne doit pas voler.

The rules of the provinces are known as laws. For example, we must not steal.

Est-ce que tu penses que les règles sont bons pour nous?

Do you think the rules are good for us?

mardi 6 novembre 2012

Les nouveaux mots (The new words)

En français

In english



trop tard






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too late






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lundi 5 novembre 2012

Faire des liens (Making connections)


When reading a book, make connections to 

  • your personal experiences 

  • something you heard about 

  • something you read

Those connections can help you understand the story better.


Ça me rappelle ...           It reninds me of ...


samedi 3 novembre 2012

Anniversaire (Birthday)

C'est mon anniversaire!

It's my birthday!

C'est l'anniversaire de ma maman.

It's my mom's birthday.

C'est l'anniversaire de Kampa.

It's Kampa birthday.


Joyeux anniversaire!

 Happy birthday!