lundi 18 février 2013

Lecture - Books Reading

I have posted a lot of videos in the Lecture (Book Reading) page to help the students in their book reading . It is important that they read all the books and understand them.

Ask them to look at the cover and predict from the picture and words what the book will be about.

Ask them to try to read the page first by themselves. Afterward, they can listen. They should repeat the sentences.

After reading it, they should try to answer the questions: Who, what, when, where, how, why?
They might not know all the answers as the book may not have given those information. 
Ask them to retell the story, if possible, with a beginning, a middle and an end part. Ideally, they should do all this in French, but if they can't, they can do it in English.

They should read the book 5 to 10 times, so that they can remember the words. Always watch the video in FULL SCREEN, so that the words are readable.

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