jeudi 28 février 2013

Avoir (To have)


I normally will not teach the students how to conjugate the verb - to have (avoir).

However I find that for them to make sentences correctly in their conversation, they need to know those verbs. If they are able to learn them now, they acquire a strong foundation. If they are not able, that's fine. They will learn them later.


                                        J'ai                   I have

                                        Tu as                You have  (to a friend)

                                        Il a                    He has

                                        Elle a                She has

                                        Nous avons      We have

                                        Vous avez         You have  (to someone you respect)

                                        Ils ont               They have  (male)

                                        Elles ont            They have  (female)

dimanche 24 février 2013

La communauté locale - The local community

When people get together and live in a certain area, we call it a local community (Communauté locale). The people interact and work together to provide for the needs of all.  

Qu'est-ce que votre communauté doit procurer à ses résidents
What are the needs of the residents?

Ils sont la nourriture, l'eau, un abri, la protection, la récréation, les interactions sociaux, etc.
They are food, water, shelter, protection, recreation, social interaction, etc.

Comment va-t-elle procurer ces besoins?
How do they provide those needs?

La communauté peut avoir:
The community may have:

Des fermes (farms)

Des usines alimentaires (food plants)

Des boutiques alimentaires (Grocery stores)
Des lacs et des rivières (The lakes and rivers)

La police (The police)

Les pompiers (The firefighters)

L'église (The church)

Parc (Park)

Bibliothèque (Library)

École (School)


Maison (house)

Bâtiment (Building)

Quel travail les gens font? Quelles sont leur occupations?
What are the occupations of the people?
Policier, policière (policeman, police woman)
Enseignant, enseignante (teacher)
Pompier (firefighter)
Médecin, docteur (doctor)
Infirmier, infirmière (nurse)
Fermier, fermière (farmer)

Boutiquier (shopkeeper)
Serveur, serveuse (waiter, waitress)
Coiffeur, coiffeuse (hair stylist)
Facteur (postman)
Éboueur (garbage man) 
Concierge (custodian)
Vendeur, vendeuse (salesman, saleswoman)

Travailleur de la construction (Construction worker)

Où travaillent-ils?  Quels sont leurs outils?
Where do they work? What are their tools?

Station de police (Police station
Outils:  Voiture, weapons, 
Tools:  Car, armes

École  (School)
Outils:  Tableau, craie, stylo, projecteur
Tools:  Blackboard, chalk, pen, projector

Caserne de pompiers (Firefighter station)
Outils:  Camion, lance d'eau, 
Tools:  Trucks, water jet

L'hôpital  (Hospital)
Outils:  Stéthoscope, Rayon X, etc.
Tools:  Stethoscope, X-Ray, etc.
Ferme  (Farm)
Outils:  Tracteur, fourche, etc.
Tools:  Tractor, fork, etc.

Can you find the rest?

lundi 18 février 2013

Lecture - Books Reading

I have posted a lot of videos in the Lecture (Book Reading) page to help the students in their book reading . It is important that they read all the books and understand them.

Ask them to look at the cover and predict from the picture and words what the book will be about.

Ask them to try to read the page first by themselves. Afterward, they can listen. They should repeat the sentences.

After reading it, they should try to answer the questions: Who, what, when, where, how, why?
They might not know all the answers as the book may not have given those information. 
Ask them to retell the story, if possible, with a beginning, a middle and an end part. Ideally, they should do all this in French, but if they can't, they can do it in English.

They should read the book 5 to 10 times, so that they can remember the words. Always watch the video in FULL SCREEN, so that the words are readable.

samedi 16 février 2013

Mes Mots (My words) - 4

J'ai faim                   I am hungry

J'ai soif                    I am thirsty

J'ai chaud                      I am hot

J'ai froid                     I am cold

J'ai fini                     I finished

rien                             nothing

fermer                             close

J'ai perdu                        I lost

Sois gentil                    Be nice

La poubelle          The garbage

Nettoyez                        Clean

Asseyez-vous             Sit down

S'il vous plaît                Please

Auto-collant                 Sticker

Lecture (Book Reading) - Eric et Jean

Click on the Full screen to view the video in full size.

Lecture (Book Reading) - Bébé se réveille

Click on the Full screen to view the video in full size.

Lecture (Book Reading) - La pièce de théâtre

Click on Full screen to view the video in full size.

Lecture (Book reading) - Dans le Ciel

Click on Full screen to see the video in full size.

Lecture (Book Reading) - Je cours

Click on Full Screen to see the full size video.

samedi 9 février 2013

Des mots, des mots, des mots (Words, words, words)

There is a list of vocabulary words, which the students can learn to help them in their reading. Many of them they know already. They will learn many others later during the year.  The more they practice using them, the easier it becomes for them to read, to speak and to write. The more words they know, the better they can express themselves. 

dimanche 3 février 2013

Newsletter and Homework

Please download the monthly newslatter and homework at Annonces (Announcements) and Les devoirs (Homeworks) respectively. Thank you.