mercredi 26 juin 2013

Les bulletins (Report cards)

Please sign and cut off the last portion of the report card and return it with the envelope latest on Friday. 

The assessment results indicate how well your child had performed and the areas he or she may need to work on. 

Your child is going to have the opportunity to practice the 7th Habit during the summer vacation - Sharpen the saw, and come back to school in September fully refreshed.

Please encourage your child to continue to read French books on the classroom website or in the local library so that their French keeps improving.

Corrige la phrase (Correct the sentence)

la fille et Triste parceque sa frére a manger son gateau est son maman et malade

Il y a 12 fautes dans cette phrase. Trouvez les. 
There are 12 mistakes in the sentence. Find them.


1.   La fille    (We start a sentence with a capital letter)
2.   La fille est   (et = and; est = is;  The girl is sad)
3.    triste   (small letter)
4.    parce que   (the words are separated; parce que = because)
5.    son frère   (frère is masculine, so we use son, sa is for feminine word)
6.    frère    (not frére)
7.    mangé   (with past tense, the verb ends with é, not er - a mangé)
8.   gâteau   (There is an accent circumflex on a)
9.   son gâteau et sa maman   (et = and, cannot be est = is)
10. sa maman  (maman is feminine, so we use sa, not son)
11. sa maman est malade   (her mom is sick; est = is, because et = and)
12. sa maman est malade.   (the sentence must end with a period)

la fille et Triste parceque sa frére a manger son gateau est son maman et malade

La fille est triste parce que son frère a mangé son gâteau et sa maman est malade.

 How many did you get right?

dimanche 16 juin 2013

Picnic at Victory Park on Tuesday, June 18

Grade 1 students are having a picnic on Tuesday, June 18 at Victory Park. Please return the signed authorization form if you haven't done so.

Each student will bring some snack to share with other students. We hope it will be an enjoyable and memorable time for all of them.

Maths - Finding the missing number

3  +  2  =  4  +  ____

We start doing the operation on one side.

3  +  2  =  5

What do we have to add to the other side so that the balance is equal?
4  +       =  5

4  +  1  =  5
The answer is 1


Find the missing numbers:

2  +  4  =  5  +  _____

3  +  5  =  4  +  _____

8  +  3  =  5  +  _____

6  +  3  =  3  +  _____

2  +  _____ =  1  +  3

4  +  _____  =  6  +  1

mercredi 5 juin 2013

School Year Book

The school year book is out and costs only $10.

It will remind the students of the great time they had in the school for the past school year.

Buy it before they are all sold out.

samedi 1 juin 2013

Veux-tu ? Peux-tu ? (Do you want to ? Can you ?)

Faire des phrases avec: 
Veux-tu ... ?  
Peux-tu ... ?

Make sentences with:
Do you want to ... ?
Can you ... ?

Que veux-tu?
What do you want?

Veux-tu un bonbon?
Do you want a candy?

Veux-tu un crayon?
Do you want a pencil?

Veux-tu être mon ami?
Do you want to be my friend?

Veux-tu jouer avec moi?
Do you want to play with me?

Veux-tu dormir?
Do you want to sleep?

Peux-tu danser?
Can you dance?

Peux-tu m'aider?
Can you help me?

Peux-tu venir?
Can you come?

Peux-tu me donner un livre?
Can you give me a book?

Pouvez-vous corriger mon devoir?
Can you correct my homework?  

Make 3 sentences with "veux-tu?" and 3 sentences with "peux-tu?".
Answer the questions.

Peel Children's Safety Village Trip

In this trip kids learned about safety, what to do when strangers try to get them. Ask your kid what are those 3 rules they need to follow.

They also had a lot of fun driving or riding electric cars.

dimanche 26 mai 2013

Use Google Translate

When your child reads a book, he or she may be unable to read some words or understand their meanings. Use Google Translate to learn how the word sounds and its meaning.

I have a Google Translate page on the website. Just click on it to go to that page. 

samedi 25 mai 2013

Les verbes terminant avec -er (Verbs ending with -er)

Verbs which end with er are easy to conjugate. Most of them follow a pattern. Once we know it, we can write the verb correctly. So there is no need to learn all those verbs by heart.

Here is the rule. 
                                        The verb has to end with

Je       (I)                           e                
Tu      (You)                       es
Il        (He)                         e
Elle    (She)                       e
On     (We)                         e
Nous   (We)                      ons
Vous   (You)                      ez
Ils       (They - male)         ent
Elles   (They - female)     ent


Verbe Donner   (to give)

Je         donne                
Tu        donnes
Il          donne
Elle      donne
On       donne
Nous   donnons
Vous   donnez
Ils       donnent
Elles   donnent

Verbe chanter  (to sing)

Je         chante                
Tu        chantes
Il          chante
Elle      chante
On       chante
Nous   chantons
Vous   chantez
Ils      chantent
Elles   chantent

As you notice, they follow the same pattern. There are a few exceptions, e.g.,  verbe aller does not follow that rule.

lundi 20 mai 2013

Probabilité (Probability)

Probability means ... what are the chances that a particular thing will happen?

If there are 10 jelly beans in a bag,  1 is green and 9 are red, what is the likelihood (probability) that you will get a red jelly bean?

The answer is ... very likely! (Très probable)
Because there are a lot more red jelly beans than green jelly bean.

What is the chance (probability) that you will get a green jelly bean?
Unlikely (peu probable), because there is only 1 green jelly bean compared to the 9 red jelly beans in the bag.

What is the likelihood (probability) that you get a blue jelly bean?
Impossible (impossible), because there is no blue jelly bean in the bag.

What is the chance that you get a red jelly bean if the bag contains only red beans?

The likelihood (probability) is certain (certain) because there are only red jelly beans in the bag.
If we want to calculate the likelihood (probability) of getting a green jelly bean in a bag with 10 jelly beans, we simply need to know how many green jelly bean there are and the total number of beans.

Number of green jelly bean = 1
Total number of jelly beans = 10
Probability (likelihood) of getting a green jelly bean = 1 out of 10 =  1 / 10
What is the probability (likelihood) that you get a red jelly bean out of the bag?
Number of red jelly beans = 9
Total number of jelly beans = 10
Probability (likelihood) of getting a red jelly bean = 9 out of 10 =  9 / 10

Les prépositions (The prepositions)


A song to learn prepositions

dimanche 19 mai 2013

Verbe Être

A song to remember verb - être 

Try to do a sentence for each of the verb.

For example:

Je suis un gentil garçon   (I am a nice boy)

Verbe Avoir (Verb To have)

A song to remember verb - Avoir

Try to make a sentence for each of the verb.

Example:  J'ai une petite soeur  (I have a little sister).

Verbe aller

A song to remember verb Aller

jeudi 16 mai 2013

Verbe "Aller" (Future Tense using verb "Go")

 This is verb - aller

To do the future tense, simply add the verb aller before the regular verb in the sentence.

For example:

Je vais dormir.   (I am going to sleep)
Tu vas tomber.   (You are going to fall)
Demain, nous allons manger une pizza.   (Tomorrow, we are going to eat a pizza)
Elle va aller à l'école.  (She is going to go to school)
Je vais être en retard.  (I am going to be late)